
David | Kayla | Murrays

David and Kayla managed a climbing gym while coaching the Grande Prairie, Alberta youth team. David loves indoor climbing for its pace and the ability to engage a community of friends. Kayla loves the outdoors and a good adrenaline rush. Climbing gave her an opportunity to pursue fitness goals alongside like minded people. In 2019, the Murrays moved to Duncan to start Hangout with Tom and Jeannette.


Thomas | Jeanette | Ristines

Tom equals adrenaline and adventure. When he found rock climbing, it was love at first sight, and it took him from Kelowna, BC to Tonsai, Thailand. Tom has wanted to start a gym for years, to share his love and passion for climbing. Jeanette loves community, travelling, trying new climbs, and meeting new people. She was born and raised in Cowichan Bay, and is excited to bring Hangout to the Cowichan Valley.